Figurative The Mystic (Le Soliel) Oil , Genuine 24K Gold Leaf, Palladian Leaf, and Celestial Leaf on Panel 30" x 40" The Mystic (Le Soliel)(Detail) Materia PrimaOil on Linen36” x 60” Between Two WatersOil on Linen27” x 40” Between Two Waters(Detail) InitiationEgg Tempera and Genuine 22 K Gold Leaf on Panel 34" x 35 Initiation(Detail) Instar Egg Tempera, Genuine 24k and 16k and Golf Leaf on Icon Panel 13" x 17" Instar(Detail) Light Of The Mysetical Eye Egg Tempera and Genuine 22K Gold Leaf on Panel10” x 12” Breath Of Light Egg Tempera, Genuine 24k and 23K Gold Leaf on Panel 18” x 24” Breath Of Light (Detail) MetamorphosisEgg Tempera, Genuine 22K Gold Leaf and Gems on Panel8” x 10”(Sold) MERGE Egg Tempera Genuine and 22K & 16k Gold Leaf on Icon Panel 13" x 17" RavenOil on Linen 12” x 14” Raven In SpikesOil on Linen 10” x 12” TrevorOil on Panel 10” x 12” Venus RevealedOil on Linen 30” x 48” (Sold) PatrickSilver Point on Clay Coated Paper11" x 14" Silverpoint CynthiaGraphite and Chalk on Toned Paper 10” x 12” CherylGraphite and Chalk on Toned Paper 18” x 24” RandyGraphite and Chalk on Toned Paper 18” x 24” Raven StandingGraphite and Chalk on Toned Paper 18” x 24” Studies of RavenGraphite and Chalk on Toned Paper 18” x 24”